These forums work. Huzzahh
The Person behind the MachineLove this thread idea!
Howdy all
Im Rosie, the greatest boop. Rosie might as well be my real name at this point, gamer family goes by tags even in the realz
Games I play: Whatever the heck the group wants to! Kidding but, I do tend to follow the herd and endorse the chaos. I love checking out new games and scouring things for content — so far, I’ve latched to phases of WoW, Pax Dei, and I am excited for the launch of T&L. I also dabble in a lot of smaller co-op games for some fun times with our Unhinged crowd.
Where I am from: Pennsylvania!
Occupation: Annoying Grolo enough he pays me. Ish. I currently do content creation for the Unhinged branding, but otherwise I am a recent high school graduate and am on a path towards starting college.
Triggers: Chewing. If you chew open mic, I will call you out.
I am not brave enough to post RL pics. Suckers.
Pets: so. MANY. PETS. 3 cats, a doggo, and a bunny rabbit. I will post pictures of them on my thread instead.
Personal Challenges: I have struggled with a lot recently, mainly the fact that I make too many people laugh, I work out too much, eat too well, I am way too loved, and I am just way too awesome which has posed many challenges thus far. I hope to not become a problem for you guys.
Meetup: HECK YEAH I LOVE MEETING YOU GOOBERS! We have done a lake house vacation for Unhinged in Alabama once before, I am always excited to meet the faces that make me go nuts at 3am. Video Im all for! I love recording content, and we have done video round table discussions before which I think would be a fun idea to scale.
If anyone here is ever interested in getting involved in our Unhinged content realm, or would like to pose event/video ideas always feel free to message me on discord so we can chat about it. I’m around quite often, feel free to even catch me in voice.
TL;DR — Im super cool, I love people, and I have a lot of pets.